Hardy Begonia
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Hardy Begonia
ntroduced Photo: Tabish
Common name: Hardy Begonia
Botanical name: Begonia grandis    Family: Begoniaceae (begonia family)

Large, heart-shaped leaves add a lush, tropical texture in moist, shady gardens. Leaves have prominent red veins underneath and are especially showy if backlit by the sun. Well-known garden writer Allen Lacy, describes the flowers as "a soft rose-pink, translucent and somewhat frosted, like satin glass." Miraculous over-wintering capabilities aside, Begonia grandis ssp. evansiana presents a wonderful show in the shade garden from mid-summer on. Although a late riser in the spring, once it gets going, this clump-forming tuberous begonia is soon covered with large, pea-green to lime-green leaves with deep red veining.
Identification credit: Tabish Photographed in Manipur
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